Transform your metabolism and reclaim your health in just 6 weeks!

The Metabolic Reset

Struggling with endless diets and no results?

The Metabolic Reset Program is more than just a weight loss program. Achieve lasting results on and off the scale.


Jumpstart your metabolism in just 6 weeks with our scientifically proven nutrition and lifestyle plan. Begin your transformation today!

✓ Ditch the yo-yo diets for results that last

✓ Feel great in your gut and clear in your mind

No more having to fight yourself to make good decisions


Balance your hormones and revitalize your gut health with sustainable, expert-backed lifestyle habits and a coach to keep you motivated.

✓ Rebalance your hormones and boost your metabolism

✓ Understand your body so it works for you, not against you

Enjoy better sleep, more energy, and a happier you


Shine with renewed health, vitality, and confidence. Live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

✓ Get a great night's sleep, free of morning bloat

✓ Indulge on a Saturday without gaining 5 lbs by Sunday

Experience a joyful, balanced life with no more cravings

Get started today by scheduling a “virtual FREE 30 30-minute metabolism audit” with program director Gloria Vaughan, FMHC

This virtual audit is an opportunity to explore the health of your metabolism and weight loss struggles and to assess if The Metabolic Reset Program is the right fit for you and your weight loss goals.

Changing Lives. Our Stories

You deserve to feel great.

Life is too short to get stuck in the vicious cycle of weight loss struggles. Don’t be held back.

Meet with our coaching team to learn more about your metabolism health.

See results in the first week!

There is no “one size fits all” regarding your health.

A proven lifestyle program to create and sustain a body you love. You will feel your energy shift, your body feel lighter and leaner, and your hunger and cravings gone! The best part about The Metabolic Reset is not just about losing pounds and inches – It’s about improving every area of your life.  

Joan V.

“My body fat ratio is in the healthiest zone of my life. I never believed I could get rid of my belly fat! I am full of positive energy and a new zest for life. The biggest change is also my emotional growth.

I started the Metabolic Reset on Jan 1st, 2019. I suffered from sore achy joints, gall bladder flair-ups and stored a lot of belly fat. Mood swings were a common fight, especially in the early evenings. After attending a workshop with about the program I decided now was the time to take charge of my health. Wow, what a difference this program has made in my life. I am free of joint pain. No more gallbladder issues. I am so much more aware of both my food triggers and emotional triggers that derail me. I have the tools now to deal with whatever life throws at me. The weight loss of course is wonderful, healthy lifestyle healthy life. Thank you to the entire Metabolic Reset Team. You are the Best. Proud Grandmother of 9, 65 plus and feeling Fabulous.”

Christina P.

“Between the coaching I received and the tools I was given for personal development, I have been able to make real change and shift the way I relate to food, stress, celebrations, and myself. I am calmer, more flexible, and more patient with myself and others. My chronic inflammation and joint pain is gone, and I feel great.

My weight has always been in extreme fluctuations. Since the birth of my son, I knew I needed to do things differently and keep myself in a healthy range once and for all. I’m sure many of you can relate to the yo-yo cycle, and it is exhausting! I was able to lose 50 lbs with The Metabolic Reset Program and maintain. The metabolic reset is a very different approach, and the food was no problem – I was very used to this way of eating. What I didn’t realize all these years, was that my mindset, my nervous system, and my heart were not in the right place for lasting change.”

Lori L.

“A return to the basic principles of taking care of myself, nurturing my body and my mind. Good food, meditation, sleep and overall self-care. I feel I am ready for 50 more than ever. Thank you to The Metabolic Reset Team!

My first reset was because I was searching to find my best, optimal health as I approached 50. I felt I had lost my way and my sense of self, my light. I had experienced loss and stress as many have and was not sure I could regain my purpose and strength. I watched a good friend, Gloria, as she navigated the reset and I was intrigued and hopeful. 6 weeks later I felt renewed and definitely reset! My light was shining, I was energized and in so many ways felt like myself again. Fast forward to a year and a bit later… I needed something, I had slipped into some old habits and I needed to “reset”. The second reset for me was more mental than anything. Thank you for giving me the confidence to get back to me”